Day 4 - Casting Fireballs

Today we're going to let Zelia cast fireballs.

Want to start from here?

Clone or download the result of day 3 from github

The steps for today

  1. Add a Fireball scene and test its flying
  2. Spawn fireballs when she casts
  3. Make fireballs collide with the TileMap, not with the Player
  4. Generate renditions to make the fireball dissipate
  5. Why not shaders?

Add a Fireball scene and test its flying

We will use a single .png image as a resource for the fireball. You can download it here:


Adding the fireball image asset and Fireball scene

  1. Create a resource dir res://projectiles/fireball
  2. Place fireball.png inside
  3. Create a new Area2D scene and call it Fireball
  4. Save it in res://projectiles/fireball/fireball.tscn
  5. Add these child-nodes:
  6. AnimatedSprite2D
  7. CollisionShape2D
  8. Add a SpriteFrames to the AnimatedSprite2D-node
  9. Drag the fireball.png into its default animation
  10. Use a CircleShape2D for the CollisionShape2D and draw it like this:

Fireball collision shape

Although we are using only one image, we are using AnimatedSprite2D, not simply Sprite2D.

This is beacause in step 4 we will generate rendition images dynamically for a 'dissipating' animation.

Let it fly

To make the fireball fly takes a very short script.

Attach a script to the fireball scene by right-clicking Scene > Fireball and picking Attach Script from the context menu.

Leave the defaults in place, and write the script:

extends Area2D

# Initialize the fireball with zero speed (x = 0, y = 0)
@export var velocity = Vector2.ZERO

func _physics_process(delta):
    # Update position by velocity-vector
    position += velocity * delta

We exported the velocity-property so we can test this code.

Run the current scene by pressing F6.

Wile the scene is running: 1. Go to Scene > Remote > root > Fireball 2. Make sure the game window is visible 3. Find Inspector > Members > Velocity 4. Set x to 50:

remote debug fireball

This makes the fireball fly out the viewport to the right, never to return.

If we're going to spawn hundreds of thousands of them, it will become a dire memory leak.

Clean it up

To clean up the potential mess, we'll follow some instructions about nodes leaving the viewport from here:

Enemy script from: "My First 2D Game":

Following these steps, we will now:

  1. Add a VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D
  2. In the 2D scene view make sure the Rect surrounds the fireball

rect surrounds ball

  1. Click on Node next to Inspector
  2. Double click Signals > screen_exited()
  3. Leave defaults in tact and click Connect
  4. Now add this line to the new function _on_visible_on_screen_notifier_2d_screen_exited:
func _on_visible_on_screen_notifier_2d_screen_exited():

Run the current scene again by pressing F6 and repeat the remote debugging instructions, setting x to 50

remote debug

Now look at the node-tree under Scene until the fireball exits the game viewport.

Congratulations, we deleted it.

Spawn fireballs when she casts

If you've looked at the original Zelia game, you know that she does not fire on button-press/click, but on fixed intervals while holding a button:

Add a FireballIntervalTimer

  1. Go to FileSystem > player > player.tscn
  2. Add a Timer-node to the Player-node
  3. Name it FireballIntervalTimer
  4. Go to the Inspector-tab:
  5. Set Wait Time to 0.1
  6. Make sure the One Shot-property is checked Off
  7. Check On the Autostart-property

This makes sure that the FireballIntervalTimer is activated when the Player is instantiated.

So, in our current case, when the game starts.

  1. Go to the Node-tab (next to Inspector)
  2. Double-click the timeout()-signal
  3. Keep the defaults and click Connect

So now, let's check if our new listener _on_fireball_interval_timer_timeout() is set up properly:

func _on_fireball_interval_timer_timeout():

Test by pressing F5, and look at the console:

console prints "pow"

Ok, so the FireballIntervalTimer works, but she should only shoot fireballs when holding the Fireball button:

func _on_fireball_interval_timer_timeout():
    if movement_state == MovementState.CASTING:

That's better. Let's shoot the fireballs next.

Spawning the fireballs

For this section we follow these guides from the godot tutorials: - Instancing - Instancing with signals

The main take-away here is to make sure the Fireball-scene is loosely coupled from the Player-scene; it lives a life of its own.

This also keeps it testable in isolation, like we did earlier.

Add the Fireball scene to the main scene

We will however need to be able to access it from the main scene of our game:

  1. Open FileSystem > res://world.tscn
  2. Connect the Fireball-scene to it by either/or
  3. Dragging fireball.tscn from the FileSystem tab into the World-tree
  4. Clicking the Instantiate Child Scene button:


That made one instance of the Fireball-scene as a direct child of the World-scene.

It kinda just sits there, being visible:

fireball being visible

We can fix that by toggling off visibility here:

toggle invisible

Declare and invoke a signal to "cast spells"

What we're doing next is explained in detail in Instancing with signals.

We're just going to apply here what we learned.

## top of script
# Preload the Fireball class, used to identify it in cast_projectile
var Fireball = preload("res://projectiles/fireball/fireball.tscn")

# Declare a signal to cast a projectile spell (like Fireball) 
# in the given direction, from the given origin
signal cast_projectile(spell_class, direction : Vector2, origin : Vector2)

## bottom of script
# Spawn a fireball every 100ms if Fireball button is held
func _on_fireball_interval_timer_timeout():
    if movement_state == MovementState.CASTING:
        # Signal that a fireball should be cast at casting angle and 
        # from Player's position
        cast_projectile.emit(Fireball, cast_angle, position)

Let the world scene listen to the signal

The main scene of our game (currently World) should get a script with a listener to the casting signal.

Upon that signal, it must instantiate a new Fireball-node and let it fly:

  1. Go to FileSystem > world.tscn
  2. Right click the World-node and choose Attach Script
  3. Use the defaults and click Create
  4. Clear the script to one line:
extends TileMap
  1. Click on the Player-child-node of World
  2. Pick Node next to Inpector
  3. Double click cast_projectile(...)
  4. Leave defaults to Connect to World
  5. Implement _on_player_cast_projectile like this:
func _on_player_cast_projectile(spell_class, direction, origin):
    var spell = spell_class.instantiate()
    spell.rotation = direction
    spell.position = origin
    spell.velocity = Vector2.from_angle(direction) * 150.0

Test the main scene using F5

NOTE: the fireball should come from her belly in the center at this time. If you made the same mistake I did it might spawn out at another place.

FIX: The rootnode Fireball of the fireball.tscn-scene should be in the center of its sprite; it's a subtle grey-plus on the 2D-scene until you click on it.

Fix the fireballs' origin, tweak casting sprites with angle of fireball

So we don't want Zelia to shoot fire from her belly, but from her hands.

This script calculates a new and better origin.

# Spawn a fireball every 100ms if Fireball button is held
func _on_fireball_interval_timer_timeout():
    if movement_state == MovementState.CASTING:
        # Signal that a fireball should be cast at casting angle and 
        # from Player's hands
        var origin = position + Vector2(14, 0).rotated(cast_angle) + Vector2(0, 2)
        cast_projectile.emit(Fireball, cast_angle, origin)

So the var origin is calculated by applying 3 transformations: 1. Create a 'point' at position x=14, y=0 and rotate it by the casting angle: Vector2(14, 0).rotated(cast_angle) 2. Move it relative to Zelia's center (position +) 3. Move it 2 pixels down + Vector(0, 2)

Also, her hands do not match up as nicely with the fireballs as they did in the original game. Use these new angles to determine casting_up and casting_down in get_casting_sprite for better effect:

    var casting_up    = deg > -160 and deg < 0
    var casting_down  = deg > 30   and deg < 160

Make fireballs collide with the TileMap, not with the Player

At the moment fireballs still fly out the game window. We want then to collide with the terrain tiles, however.

Let's look at the tutorial once more and apply:

  1. Open the fireball scene FileSystem > res://projectiles/fireball/fireball.tscn
  2. Select Scene > Fireball
  3. Go to Node next to Inspector
  4. Double click on the body_entered(body: Node2D) signal
  5. Leave defaults on and click Connect
  6. To remove them we could use queue_free() again:
func _on_body_entered(body):

That works, the fireball collides when it hits the Tilemap. However..

..It will also disappear if it collides with the Player.

Collision Layer and Collision Mask

To illustrate, make set its origin the position-property of the player again in

        # comment out the next line with Ctrl+k
#       var origin = position + Vector2(14, 0).rotated(cast_angle) + Vector2(0, 2)
        # replace origin with position in next line
        cast_projectile.emit(Fireball, cast_angle, position)

Depending on whether the fireballs are drawn over or behind the Player you will see either/or: - them pop in and out of existence - not at all

This is because their Collision Mask overlaps the Collision Layer of the player. The answers here explain it nicely: What's the difference between Collision layers and Collision masks?

Let's apply what we've learned here like this: - Player: set both mask and layer to 1 (for now) - World > TileSet: set both mask and layer to 1 and 2 (for now) - Fireball: set both mask and layer to 2 (for now)

Player is already set correctly. However, we might want more granularity later.

Setting Collision Layer and Collision Mask for Fireball

This is a set of properties most easily manipulated in the Inpector.

  1. Select res://projectiles/fireball/fireball.tscn
  2. Click on the Fireball node
  3. Go to Inspector > Collision
  4. set both mask and layer to 2 (for now)

collision mask and layer

Setting it for World

But to set it for the World scene, be aware you also need to click on Inspector > Tile Set > TileSet > Physics Layers as it is a property not of the TileMap, but of (one of) its TileSet(s)' Physics Layer(s) --> if you can still follow.

Our TileMap's TileSet's Physic Layer's Collision Mask and Collision Layer

Test again

Press F5 to test if the fireballs do collide with the Tilemap and do not collide with the Player.

Then change back the script:

        var origin = position + Vector2(14, 0).rotated(cast_angle) + Vector2(0, 2)
        cast_projectile.emit(Fireball, cast_angle, origin)

Add some smoothness to the collided fireballs

Right now the fireballs disappear very abrubtly because queue_free() is invoked immediately.

We can smoothe this out a little by introducing a delay and slowing them down on impact:

  1. Go to fireball.tscn
  2. Give it a Timer child node and call it DissipateTimer
  3. Check Inspector > One Shot to On
  4. Set the Wait Time to 0.5
  5. Change+Add this script to
func _on_body_entered(body):
    # start the new timer in stead of calling queue_free here
    # slow it down to 1/10th the speed
    velocity *= 0.1
  1. Click DissipateTimer-node
  2. Connect the Node > timeout()-signal to the Fireball
  3. Implement _on_dissipate_timer_timeout() like so:
func _on_dissipate_timer_timeout():

That's only a little better. We need an animation to make them fade into non-existence slowly.

Generate renditions to make the fireball dissipate

We could make this very ease on ourselves by drawing images manually in our favourite image manipulation program, but we'll do it the lazy way.

Well, that is to say, the programmer's way, a.k.a. the reusable way. Remembering the original game we see a lot of stuff disappear in the same, lazy, reused way. We want to know how, right?

Using Autoload for preprocessing

So looking at the documentation it becomes clear that you can easily manipulate texture images using these two classes: - Image - ImageTexture

But what is less evident is how to do it only one time, in stead of all the 100.000+ times a fireball collides. That would not perform at all.

Luckily, when you search the docs for "Singleton" (my fifth attempt) you find the Autoload-class, which is meant for precisely this:

So, let us apply the steps and the test if we set it up properly.

  1. Go to Project > Project Settings > Autoload (4th tab)
  2. Click on the Node Name input
  3. Type in TextureRenditions, which will be the name of our first Autoload
  4. Click Add
  5. In the dialog, leave the defaults, creating a new script res://
  6. Leave the Global Variable-checkbox check on to Enable
  7. Close the Project Settings-dialog again.
  8. Enter this test script in the file
extends Node

var singleton_test : String

func _ready():
    singleton_test = "singleton_test"
    print("asserting this print is called only once")

Run the project with F5 and confirm in the console that yes indeed:

asserting this print is called only once
--- Debugging process stopped ---

Also, test if TextureRenditions.singleton_test is indeed a globally accessible string in

func _ready():

Run the project again and confirm in the console after shooting some fireballs:

--- Debugging process stopped ---

Generate the dissipate animation with Image and ImageTexture

So now we want to prepare the animation for the fireball in our Autoload-node called TextureRenditions. Open the script again.

  1. Use preload to open the fireball.png texture and get an instance of its Image:
extends Node

var fireball = preload("res://projectiles/fireball/fireball.png").get_image()
  1. Prepare a global array to hold the preprocess images:
var fireball_dissipate : Array = []
  1. In the _ready() function add this line:
func _ready():
    fireball_dissipate = get_dissipate_renditions(fireball)
  1. And then write the function get_dissipate_renditions(...)
# Test if we can make one gray fireball first
func get_dissipate_renditions(src_rendition):
    # Create a new Image instance with the same properties as the source image
    var dst_rendition = Image.create(src_rendition.get_width(), src_rendition.get_height(), false, src_rendition.get_format())
    # Loop through all the pixels
    for x in range(src_rendition.get_width()):
        for y in range(src_rendition.get_height()):
            # Get the original color
            var src_color = src_rendition.get_pixel(x, y)
            # Set red, green and blue to the red of the source color
            # and keep the source alpha transparency
            dst_rendition.set_pixel(x, y, Color(src_color.r, src_color.r, src_color.r, src_color.a))
    # return a list of one gray-scaled image rendition
    # converted to an instace of ImageTexture
    return [ImageTexture.create_from_image(dst_rendition)]
  1. Now edit, edit _ready() like this:
func _ready():
    # Start playing the "default" animation
    # The sprite_frames of $AnimatedSprite2D is a singleton, so after calling 
    # add_animation one time, it exists for all other instances
    if "dissipate" not in $AnimatedSprite2D.sprite_frames.get_animation_names():
        # Add a new animation to the SpriteFrames instance of the $AnimatedSprite2D node
        # Loop through all rendition images in the global singleton fireball_dissipate
        for rendition in TextureRenditions.fireball_dissipate:
            # Add them as a frame to 
            $AnimatedSprite2D.sprite_frames.add_frame("dissipate", rendition)
  1. And change the animation on impact in _on_body_entered:
func _on_body_entered(body):
    # play the dissipate animation we coded
    # start the new timer in stead of calling queue_free here
    # slow it down to 1/10th the speed
    velocity *= 0.1

Test the project with F5. You should now see gray fireballs after collision:

gray fireballs

The actual rendition script

Now that we established a simple list of one gray fireball rendition worked, let's finish up the rendition script in

func _ready():
    fireball_dissipate = get_dissipate_renditions(fireball, 30, 1, 0.25)

# Return a list of dissipating image renditions as an ImageTexture-Array
# - src_rendition is the original Image
# - amount is the amount of times to repeat the rendition effect
# - scatter is the chance of a pixel being rendered again in a given rendeition
# - fade is the factor by which the alpha channel transparency should be reduced 
# in each rendition
func get_dissipate_renditions(src_rendition : Image, amount : int = 14, scatter : int = 1, fade : float = 0.5):
    var renditions = []
    for n in range(amount):
        # Create a new Image instance with the same properties as the source image
        var dst_rendition = Image.create(src_rendition.get_width(), src_rendition.get_height(), false, src_rendition.get_format())
        # Loop through all the pixels
        for x in range(src_rendition.get_width()):
            for y in range(src_rendition.get_height()):
                # Get the original color
                var src_color = src_rendition.get_pixel(x, y)
                # Copy the source pixel if the random int between 0 and scatter
                # hits one
                if randi_range(0, scatter) == 1:
                    # Copy the pixel, reduce opacity by factor fade
                    dst_rendition.set_pixel(x, y, Color(src_color.r, src_color.g, src_color.b, src_color.a * fade))

        # append this rendition to result array
        # overwrite the src_rendition variable with a new empty image
        src_rendition = Image.create(src_rendition.get_width(), src_rendition.get_height(), false, src_rendition.get_format())
        # copy the current rendition into this variable entirely to be
        # manipulated in the next iteration
    # return the list of amount renditions
    return renditions

Upon testing with F5, we should now see something like this:

dissipating fireball

Tastes may differ, but personally I enjoy the fact that the random scatter in our renditions makes the fireball dissipate a little differently every time we play the game.

Final touch: show behind parent

The fireball looks nicer if it's not drawn over the tiles (nor anything else). Drawing it behind the tiles (and everything else) makes it look like it really burns the target a little.

There is a checkbox for that as well!

  1. Open the Fireball scene
  2. Click the Fireball-node
  3. Open the Inspector
  4. Check the Visibility > Show Behind Parent-property to On

This works because in our main scene, World, the TileMap is the parent node of the Fireball-instances.

Test again:

fireball behind parent

Why not shaders?

So, I also tried 2D shaders of the canvas_item type. But my first attempt failed.

You can see my attempt in this branch: Failed shader attempt on github

So the (common) mistake I made was assuming that a shader script would be active on the instance of a fireball, so I attached it to the material of a Sprite2D. But that is not supported yet

What would probably work is to make a hardcoded "dissipate" in our $AnimatedSprite2D.SpriteSet and invoke the script i have from there.

Another thing is the display setting I chose: it mimics pixels, but just look at the picture just above here: it is perfectly rotated (like Mario Maker 2 seesaws). That makes shaders High Resolution.

Tomorrow we should dive into shaders!