Day 2 - Adding some tiles and some physics

So today we're going to achieve these goals:

  1. Zelia will become subject to the laws of physics
  2. She will move right and left by running
  3. She will jump
  4. A camera will follow her around

But before we can do that, we need some surfaces for her to run around on.

Learning goals

Before I could make this day's tutorial I had to read up on and watch:

  1. Using TileMaps
  2. Terrain Autotiling and Alternative Tiles ~ Godot 4 Tutorial for Beginners
  3. RigidBody2D
  4. CharacterBody2D platformer movement

If you lost your project or want to start from here, I tagged the project after day one so you could clone or download it from github

Addings Tiles in a TileMap

First make sure you have some surface assets ready. Create a new resource dir called surface_maps and put the contents of this zip in it, including subdirs:


Create the Tilemap

Go Scene > New Scene and create new scene of type TileMap. Then rename it to World by double clicking on its node.

Let's follow the steps in Using TileMaps and the video.

From the Inpector do:

  1. Set the Cell Quadrant property to 15
  2. Create a new TileSet
  3. Set the x and y of the Tile Size property to 15px
  4. Create a Physics Layer
  5. Create a Terrain Set
  6. Set the Mode property to Match Sides
  7. Add a Terrain and give it a bright green color
  8. Set the Name property to Grass and Dirt

It should look like this now:

tilemap inspector

Making an Atlas of an image

Next open the Tileset pane on the bottom and add an Atlas using the +-button.

  1. Set the Texture property for this Atlas by loading the resource res://surface_maps/grass-and-dirt/1.png.
  2. Pick Yes when offered to automatically detect tiles:
  3. Set the Name property to grass-and-dirt

tileset setup

Add the Terrain and Physics Layer to the tiles

  1. Now choose the select tab
  2. select all the tiles.
  3. Pop open > Terrains.
  4. Set Terrain Set to 0 (the number found by hovering over the Inspector > World > Terrain Sets property)
  5. Set Terrain to 0 (the number found by hovering over the Inspector > World > Terrain Sets > Terrains property)
  6. Pop open Physics > Physics Layer 0 (we just created that)

Give the tiles their collision area

To Set up the collision area of a tile you can select one at a time and press the F-key.

This will make a square you can change into another type of polygon (we'll do that later):

tile collision square

Apply this to all 15 tiles.

Set the Terrains Peering Bit for each tile

You can paint this! (it's in the video).

  1. Go to the Paint tab.
  2. Select a property editor: Terrains
  3. Pick Terrain Set 0 for Terrain Set
  4. Pick Grass and Dirt for Terrain
  5. Now paint over the tiles so they look like this:

paint terrain

We need one Alternative Tile

There is one type of tile missing, the one that has neighbors on all four sides.

We can achieve this by making an Alternative Tile.

  1. Go to Select
  2. Select the tile that is all dirt (x = 15 and y = 15)
  3. Right click on it
  4. Choose Create an Alternative Tile
  5. Press F to give it a collision rect
  6. Go back to Paint
  7. Click on the new tile
  8. Paint it to neighbour all sides:

Alternative tile

Paint some terrain

If we did all this correctly, now we should be able to paint some Tiles on the viewport.

  1. Choose TileMap on the bottom of the Tiles tab
  2. Choose the Terrains tab
  3. Pick Terrain Set 0 > Grass and Dirt
  4. Choose the Rectangles draw mode
  5. Drag a rectangular area in the World-scene viewport.

All this work should allow you to draw these shapes into the viewport in no time:

draw terrains in viewport

Don't forget to save!

I almost forgot myself. Press Ctrl-S to save the World-scene into rest://world.tscn

Technical debt 3

After reading up about TileMap - including developers' opinions about it, I concluded that at this point I can safe create one TileMap-scene, call it World, and assume we will be making all the level content in it.

This violates some of the SOLID principles, i.e. it does not separate the concern of tiles from the concern of a map/level/world, but we will accept this potential technical debt.

Import some more Atlases

If you carefully follow the same recipe you can of course create more Terrains for Terrain Set 0 this way.

Just one screenshot hint for the one I added res://surface_maps/tree-trunk/1.png. It's about adjusting the collision area by manipulating the initial rectangle after pressing F:


Add the Player to the World scene

Let's add the Player-node as an instance into this World-scene.

Just drag her scene file from the FileSystem tab into the tree view: res://player/player.tscn, like in the first tutorials.

Test the current scene.

Actually make the World-scene the main scene by right clicking on world.tscn in the FileSystem tab and picking Set as Main Scene.

Use F5 or your OS's shortcut to run the entire project.

There is a lot missing, we can't leave Zelia just hanging there! (ha ha ha).

zelia just hanging there

Make her subject to the laws of physics.

Like we speculated during day 1, we need to change her Node Type if we do not want to write all the physics ourselves.

And I don't. I did it last time and it took me weeks and weeks of tweaking; and there are sure to still be bugs hanging around.

First attempt with RigidBody2D

In my first attempt I actually tried to make Player extend from RigidBody2D and failed to get a good enough grip on what was happening.

Zelia flat on her face

Second attempt with CharacterBody2D

For my second attempt I read up on CharacterBody2D platformer movement. Let's try that out now.

  1. Go to the Player scene view (the one where she is the root node).
  2. Right click on Player
  3. Pick Change type
  4. Choose CharacterBody2D
  5. Edit res://player/ and change the extends line:
extends CharacterBody2D # this first line changed!

Test by running the project. That changed nothing (for now).

Adapting her script to CharacterBody2D

So let's try this out: CharacterBody2D platformer movement.

Much has change, feel free to copy/paste this first and see if it works, but you probably know the most imporant law of cheating with Stackoverflow: type it out yourself to learn better.

extends CharacterBody2D

enum Orientation   { LEFT, RIGHT }
enum MovementState { IDLE, RUNNING, AIRBORNE }

# I removed the exports for now, no debugging needed at the moment
var movement_state : int
var orientation    : int

# Get the gravity from the project settings so you can sync with rigid body nodes.
# NOTE: I changed the default from 980 to 1300, Zelia jumps high yet falls fast.
var gravity    = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity")
# The most realistic speed for Zelia's feet
var speed      = 120.0
# Funnily the original game had jump_speed set to -4.0 and gravity to 13.0
var jump_speed = -400.0

# No changes here
func _ready():
    movement_state = MovementState.IDLE
    orientation    = Orientation.RIGHT

# Changed _process to _physics_process
func _physics_process(delta):
    # Apply the gravity.
    velocity.y += gravity * delta

    # Update the MovementState based on the collisions observed
    if movement_state == MovementState.AIRBORNE:
        # If she's airborne right now
        if is_on_floor():
            # .. and hits the floor, she's idle
            movement_state = MovementState.IDLE
        elif Input.is_action_pressed("Run right"):
            # Else you can still move her right
            orientation = Orientation.RIGHT
            velocity.x = speed
        elif Input.is_action_pressed("Run left"):
            # ... and left
            orientation = Orientation.LEFT
            velocity.x = -speed
            velocity.x = 0
        # Else we are not airborne right now
        if Input.is_action_pressed("Run right"):
            # so we run right when run right is pressed
            orientation = Orientation.RIGHT
            movement_state = MovementState.RUNNING
            velocity.x = speed
        elif Input.is_action_pressed("Run left"):
            # .. and left ...
            orientation = Orientation.LEFT
            movement_state = MovementState.RUNNING
            velocity.x = -speed
            # and stand idle if no x-movement button is pressed
            velocity.x = 0
            movement_state = MovementState.IDLE  

    # Handle Jump, only when on the floor
    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Jump") and is_on_floor():
        movement_state = MovementState.AIRBORNE
        velocity.y = jump_speed

    # This code has not changed
    match (movement_state):
            $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "running"
        # This was added
            $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "jumping"
        _: # MovementState.IDLE
            $AnimatedSprite2D.animation = "idle"

    # Neither has this
    if orientation == Orientation.LEFT:
        $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true
        $AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false

    # Yet this is new

And it just works! Frankly: it's much better than the original.

If you are as new to Godot and perfab 2D physics engines as I am, make sure you read the tutorial and the docs carefully and try to write the script yourself:

Change the gravity setting

As I my mentioned in the code comments, I changed the Project's default gravity setting from 980 to 1300:

  1. Go to Project > Project Settings
  2. Click on Filter Settings
  3. Type in gravity
  4. Pick Physics > 2D
  5. Set Default Gravity to 1300

Make it scroll with Camera2D

The original Zelia never ever left the center of the screen; everything else just moved.

I read somewhere that it would be easy: just add a Camera2D child node to the Player-node.

This evening my son asked me for a demo, so I proposed to him we check it out.. He was amazed: "De dingen waarvan je verwacht dat ze kort duren om te maken duren gewoon kort om te maken!" (That is Dutch for: "The things you'd expect a short time to make actually take a short time to make!").

  1. Right click the Player-node
  2. Click Add Child Node
  3. Pick Camera2D
  4. Start the game


Dead code Code cleanup

We left some dead code. Let's fix that before wrapping up our day.

In our new script we to away the need for our MockAirTimer.

So let's remove it.

Removing the _on_mock_air_timer_timeout signal

Just to be sure, let's disconnect the signal we made first:

  1. Select the MockerAirTimer node in the treeview of the Player scene
  2. Click the Node tab next to Inspector
  3. Right click .. ::_on_mock_air_timer_timeout()
  4. Choose Disconnect

remove the signal

Remove MockAirTimer itself

Right click on the MockAirTimer-node in the tree view and delete it.

Make sure all references to it in are gone as well, or you'll get a reference error.

Technical debt 4

We have some poorly chosen names.

I am we can do better than "Run Right" and "Run Left" knowing that they are already doubling for changing direction while airborne.

But let's set some goals for tomorrow:

Day 3 - Casting Fireballs